A Replacement for Rooster Money


With the news of Rooster Money leaving the US and all countries besides the UK, many people may be left wondering how they will continue to teach their children personal finance. What is a good alternative to Rooster Money? The good news is that the Guardian Savings app can fill the gap!

Guardian Savings is comparable to Rooster Money’s virtual money tracker.

Guardian Savings offers:

  • Automatic allowance

  • Segmenting savings into “jars”

  • Analysis of spending / earning

  • Parent-paid interest

  • And so much more!

And unlike Rooster Money, all our features are free — there are no features behind a paywall.

Creating an account is easy. All you need is an email address to get started! You can create your account in our web-app or by downloading the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

When should I switch from using Rooster Money to Guardian Savings?

Rooster Money stated in a post that “non-UK customers will still be able to access their accounts until the 31st July 2023.” so you have about a year to make the switch. However, we recommend switching from Rooster Money to Guardian Savings as soon as possible so that you lose less historical transaction data when you transfer.

What people are saying who have made the switch

“We’re coming from Rooster Money — Rooster sent an email saying they weren’t serving USA customers anymore. I was in the process of building a spreadsheet for each child but an app is far superior for this use case - and so far your app is better than Rooster by a mile. Wish I found it sooner!”

— Nicole, parent of two

Questions? We’re here to help

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Guardian Savings