Announcing Voluntary Subscription Plans

Dear Guardian Savers,

Four years ago, my co-founder and I had a vision for how we could help parents raise money-savvy kids. Since then, we’ve worked tirelessly outside of our day jobs to build Guardian Savings. The most rewarding part of the journey has been hearing anecdotes from parents like you about how the app has helped teach valuable financial lessons to their kids and enacted behavior change.

While we hoped to always offer the app for free, our personal out-of-pocket costs (things like server costs, email delivery services, and developer accounts) have increased beyond what our personal budgets can sustain. Because of this, the next time you login to the parent area, you’ll see a pop-up asking you to volunteer to opt into a subscription.

The subscription options are as follows:

  • Monthly: $3 per family / month

  • Annual: $30 per family / year (17% less than monthly)

With that said, the last thing we want to do is to prevent people from using Guardian Savings because of cost. If the cost isn’t possible for your family, don’t worry about it.

We hope you understand why we made this challenging decision. At the same time, we also want to express how excited we are for what lies ahead. By introducing an income stream for GS, we are ensuring the longevity of our app so we can better serve you and our community with new features, bug fixes, and improvements based on your feedback.

We are so thankful for your choice to use Guardian Savings with your children, and as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Erik and Austin

Co-founders of Guardian Savings

Guardian Savings